The benefits of becoming a member

  • Representation of the profession on other professional bodies
  • A communication conduit for the mining industry which helps to remove barriers and promote interaction to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and ideas between people from different operations
  • A forum for the dissemination and publication of technical presentations and papers
  • Recognition of safety achievements of AMMSA members
  • A system that enables members to satisfy application procedures for professional status
  • An opportunity for continuous professional development

Membership classes

Candidate (Student) Members:

Candidate (Student) Members must be studying towards:

  • a BSc (Mining) Engingeering Degree; or
  • towards a National Diploma in Metalliferous Mining

Student Members do not have any voting right and are not eligible for nomination to Council. They can, however, participate in District Meetings during vacation work and attend Technical Visits as arranged by the Association.

Junior Associate Members:

Junior Associate Members must be studying towards a Mine Managers Certificate and must satisfy the following conditions:

  • have obtained a BSc (Mining) Engineering Degree; or
  • have obtained a National Diploma in Metalliferous Mining; or
  • have obtained the “A” part of a Metalliferous Mine Managers Certificate
  • be employed in mining

Junior Associate Members will not have any right of voting, nor will they be eligible for nomination to Council, but they may participate in District Meetings, General Meetings and attend Technical Visits as arranged by the Association.

Associate Members:

Any person who is the holder of a Mine Managers Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mining shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Assocation, provided that his/her position and qualifications are such as to warrant, in the opinion of the Council, his/her admission as an Associate Member.

Any person who is not a holder of a Mine Managers Certificate of Competency in Metalliferous Mining, but, in the opinion of Council, adequately satisfies the following requirements, may be admitted as an Associate Member:

  • He/she is in the employ of an enterprise servicing the metalliferous mining industry;
  • He/she holds a senior position of responsibility and decision-making within that enterprise; and
  • He/she holds acceptable qualification(s) other than a Mine Managers Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mining.

Associate Members do not have any right to vote, nor are they eligible for nomination to Council. However, they may take part in all discussions at District Meetings, General Meetings and other activities as arranged by the Association.

Ordinary Members

A candidate for transfer from Associate Member or election to the class of Ordinary Membership must satisfy the following conditions:

  • He/she must hold a Mine Managers Certificate of Competency in Metalliferous Mining, issued in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act (Act 29 of 1996);
  • He/she must be in employment on a working metalliferous or diamond mine;
  • He/she must be the General Manager (MHSA 4.1 appointee) or a Mine Manager (MHSA 3.1 appointee) of such mine or hold a position equivalent thereto;
  • He/she will meet at least three of the following four criteria:
    • Be mine-based;
    • Be the principal decision-maker with respect to operations;
    • Be legally appointed or have a legally appointed person reporting to him/her; or
    • Operations are primarily underground

Honorary Life Members

  • The Council may elect to Honorary Life Membership of the Association any person whose service to the Association, in the opinion of the Council, merits such action. Honorary Life Members may attend General Meetings and take part in discussions, but have no voting rights.

Associate Members

  • Associate Members may attend General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting, as well as all Technical Visits arranged by the Association. Associate Members have no voting rights, but may take part in discussions.

Become a member of AMMSA

Follow the below link to Register